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"Inside Life Yarn"

(Episode 2)

"I told someone yesterday that one can't sick in peace this season without people suspecting if he or she has covid-19". The statement seem sarcastic but pathetic.

"Someone even said that the fear of the virus kills faster than the virus itself". We possibly can say that everyone is trying hard to play safe this season, " not because of their hygienic lifestyle but the fear of being contacted by the virus". So invariably one can say "the fear of covid-19 is the beginning of.......errrm............

Hello dear!!!

Hope you had a good sleep??
I'm Juliet your favourite tea woman and you're welcome to my blog!

This is another episode on " inside life yarn " and just like we know that the outbreak of the pandemic covid-19 had been the talk of the town in every nation.........errmmm, such irony of life!

Who could have ever thought that this so particular a virus will be the most talked about in centuries that even a day old baby wouldn't cry in peace cos people around will think it was triggered by the fear of the pandemic.

Of course you may have heard so many about the virus, both rumours, true instances and so many others, but please let's be careful of whatever news shared, the truth is some are actually so unreal, and if you are misled by false news, the outcome will be so unbearable.

I know you've heard of various ways to staying safe during this period, but as much as you are playing safe, please do whatever you're instructed to do not out of fear of being contacted by the virus, but because these are necessary precautions one is expected to take in living a healthy life. Reason more for you to remain safe after the pandemic, so you ought to work more on making this a habit.

For those still wondering ways of maintaining a good hygiene during this period, I hope the pictures below will do justice to it!

First, ensure you eat well during this season, if it takes you stocking up, it will really go a long way, and try eating more of fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, take more of water to avoid dehydration, so when you eventually get to swallow any toxic substance, it won't get to your lungs and hearts.

Wash your hands with soap under running-water, as often as you can. You ought to wash even before applying your sanitisers.

Get your hand sanitisers and use them as often as you can. There are hand made ones too, just in case you can't afford getting the ones at the market.

Don't forget to use a nose mask if peradventure you have any need to step out of your house.

Oh well!

I didn't forget to reserve a cup of tea for you, so please grab a sit, relax as you enjoy today's gist.

I'm not going to tell you the number of confirmed cases or some terrible news you're wanting to read, but hey! Ain't you tired of bad news?

Yes one can't neglect the fact that there's been an increase in the spread of covid-19, at least working with the statistics provided by BBC News, it has cut across 65% of the states in Nigeria, but before you panic of being inflicted, do take a chill!

You know I understood that, "everything that plays out physically to man is a product of his mind". Truth be told, if you can actually play your hygiene and safety roles well, without feeding your mind with the fear of being infected by the pandemic, you won't be affected trust me!

A lot of times certain things happen to us as a product of how long we've dwelt and fed our minds to it.

Let me also state that while we sit at home, it's important we find something befitting our time so we don't end up as time-wasters, but investors.

Yes! We've been mandated to stay home till the end of the pandemic, for families with kids, their wards won't be going to school anytime soon till a month or two, and one can imagine the drama going on in their homes right now😁😁(you know what I mean), the echoes on students both soon-to-be school leavers and undergraduates; just when they've planned on how to wrap up the whole school wahala, and now they are mandated to stay home, the feeling, pain, thoughts, trauma or even fear! When you know you should have been counting down, what of the fresh Corp members (Otondos) who were sent back home midway of orientation (I could imagine how they feel, just when you're about to have fun and make the best use of drills in camp, only for them to shut it down), what about business personnel and the likes, the millions and how much people have lost just few days of staying home......well, prevention they say is better than cure, our life is worth more than rubies...........

But then, do you know you could still make effective use of this season and yet achieve that which you would have achieved on a norm. I've come to understand that when a road closes, it's another way of discovering a better route to where we ought to be, just that it might take a while to discover the new route, but once we can, the experience there are loveable and so beneficial.
Probably before now, there's been disruptions in your hearts as to how to balance making money, living an organized life while you achieve those goals, this is the time to set things right, cos you now have more time to think and make things up............errrmmmm, I won't want to overstress that point, but I hope the information has been passed, so by now you should know what's best for you!


1. You've got enough time to pray and study; prior before now you have been complaining of how work and daily routines have hindered your fellowship with your maker, it's time to maximize this season in bonding with your Father. Spend quality time studying the word too.

2. It's time to improve your skills; this you can achieve by registering for some online trainings (especially ones related to your fields), the wold now is digital, you could shuffle the internet for available digital skills.

This training will help writers interested in storytelling, copy writing and the likes, kindly check the flier for details.

A link to selected goggle trainings;

3. Time to read more books; visit your home libraries and in case you don't have any yet, you could use this period to build one, you've bought too many books, it's time to put them in shelves while you read. There are online books, you could download some.

4. Time to take care of your skin and pay attention to healthy skin care; this you can achieve by getting your favourite "Organic Kits" from Maka Cosmetics. Below are the available ones amongst several others.

Melanin or Hot Chocolate Kit

Fair Body Butter or Caramel Kit

Glow Whitening Kit
Scrubs for both face and body
Glow body oil

Facials; both for dark spots, pimples, sunburns & Face Polish.

To get any of these, you can call or send a WhatsApp message to our customer care @07015222672.

5. Time to apply for online jobs; there are certain firms in search for content creators, copywriters and the likes, this is a time you could make extra pay staying home, shuffle the internet for their placements. But before then, ensure your details are up to date.

I hope with the above, you will be able to make productive use of your time. I can't wait to get striking feedbacks afterwards.
Thanks for sipping from my cup, and at this juncture I will like to draw the curtain.
Always remember that you're loved❤❤😘


  1. Beautiful, Well Crafted..
    Full of vibes.

  2. Beautiful. Exactly the things I have set my heart to do this isolation period. I must maximize this opportunity.
    Thanks Julie.
    Love you Plenty

    1. Please do, and sure will help your personal development too. Thanks for sipping and for always dropping a comment❤

  3. Nice one and I love it during this period am in my house.


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