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(Episode 3)


Growing up, everyone seem to have a distinct picture in profession, though most times we had to choose over and again, just so we pick the "Fanciest of them all", we change them like clothes just to know the styles that best suites us. Even as kids, we knew what society embraces and what they frown at.

Whether in a social gathering or whatever settings we find ourselves, everybody was born ready to making professional choices, no one was ever asked " what he or she wants to be in future " and was caught making "bad wishes", or did you or your friend ever made wishes of " becoming a Barber, Vulcanizer or any crafts"?
No! In fact never!!!
Everyone seem to look at the ones in this sect as "Failures" and people filled with "bad lucks".

Fast forward to when man was given responsibilities to make decisions for themselves (though some didn't have full control over their lives, as some parents still toss their children's life even in this blowout century.......ah! Smh.....) and a lot are wondering if "chasing this dreams" still worth the stress!
Few days back, I had to reminisce on how I scaled through school, trust be it's "no pot of jollof rice", even when you fortunate to eat that, thank God cos "Life is just a pot of beans", it takes the hell of time to get soft, that doesn't mean you won't fart afterwards! 

But come to think of it; "Who invented this style of schooling"?
Like who told you you must pass through the various stages of educational development before you become successful in life? Can't one just decide to stop at a phase and move on?
No wonder those "dropouts" appears to be more successful in real sense! Take a good look at the number of successful and famous people today, they barely didn't have any certificate before achieving their goals! So why does it look like; 'if I never go school, person no fit blow?"

He he he! I know you're already warming up for this, well.........calm down first
Just before we proceed, permit me to introduce myself๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š
I'm Juliet the "Tea woman" and you're welcome to my blog❤
This is where we "Talk Extensively Aright(TEA)"'re welcome to another episode on "Inside Life Yarn"!

On today's series we talk about "SCHOOL NA SCAM"
"Do not judge a book by it's cover", the writer said, even when he knew the content were vague!
I think it's about time, "people start practicing all they've written about", because lately, I realized we have more " teachers than students." Everybody wants to say something, who then is ready to listen, or yield to the advice given by the other?
What a 21st Century generation!!!

Before you continue, I want you to sincerely answer the questions below, because it's upon this bedrock you will know as to "whether this post relates with you".
Why are you schooling? (If you're still an undergraduate)
Why did you have to go to school? (If you are a graduate)

If you can sincerely pen down your reasons for it, and it could make lots of sense, and so convincing to an SS3 student who is preparing to join the "school system ", then you're on your way to the top!

The unfortunate thing about the " school system' is that most persons don't even know why they schooled or are schooling! The number of unemployed graduates are at increase, yet one may wonder if society can accommodate more!
Last week Sunday made it "Exactly a year after my convocation" and when I remember all I dealt with and my "after schoolmath", I almost asked myself the same question, "if truly they scammed us?".
You know the joy of writing your last papers, defending your project and the excitement of balling out the hands of " that frustrating lecturer, who became the hardest nuts to crack ", and boom after all of this, the first three months seem like "the economy was on recession". Let me not add the " aftermath of NYSC', another curricular on it's own. 

But hey!

Listen up!

I'm not here to banter words or tell you whether "school is scam or not", but let me tell you all I know about schooling!
The first point of call, where a lot of persons miss it, is that they've failed to recognize the difference between " schooling and being educated". It's very possible for an individual to be "schooled, yet uneducated". A lot of persons who enroll in one institution or the other today, do so to prepare themselves for the" aftermath; whose end point is to get a befitting job"; which eventually might not come to be!.
This is a typical story of a Nigerian undergraduate, who peradventure is lazy to study, and would love to be enrolled in a skill or two, after much persuasion from his parent and peer pressure, enrolls himself in a school, his failures starts especially when the course given isn't even in line with his dreams, he struggles to attend lectures (who at the end of the day complains of how boring the lecturers appears), struggles to read; which he ends up cramming for tests and exams instead of reading and at the end of the day, graduates with a "second class upper or even a first class" (this is just to make his parent proud) will end up not being able to compete in the market!

Pathetic as that may sound, is what is happening in our society today! If we can vividly trace how "education was introduced", we will know and understand that " securing a job after school" is just one of the aftermath of being educated, but "a top priority for those who only schooled". Not to mention the high rate of " illiteracy displayed in the actions of our youths today, the world is faced with a serious challenge; the battle with covid19, but as disheartening this is, it's painful that most of the "false news randomly shared, which has succeeded in instilling fear into people today" were promoted by our "so-called graduates", some were written by them, and one might wonder what tomorrow will possibly look like with thus sets of people (who are waging to take over tomorrow).

Let me give you a brief explanation on what " Education Entails ".

The truth is, Education itself had been overemphasized especially in Third world nations, of which African countries makes part of it. Tracing down its history, we consider it as a product of colonialism, the act abruptly borrowed from Western countries. The main reason for it's introduction was to foster the colonial process, but fortunately for the colonized, the introduction to which exposed some hidden facts and knowledge, which today is the bedrock of learning. As it erodes from informal to formal, there came then a system of education which led to the formation 6334. 
The first step of persons who were fortunate to have undergone this level were opportune to occupy certain managerial position, nevertheless, the system of age, height were taken first into serious considerations(for instance, if your hand doesn't touch your ears while crossed over your head).

At this point, people were even forced to go to school, because they hadn't fully embraced the system and since they were more of Agrarian (agricultural society), they prefer their children helping them out in farms for man power. This continued not until the era erode and through civilization, people began to see reasons for being schooled. People began to think differently about the system, especially when they realized that so much value was placed on it, the male folks were enrolled more than the females (as it was believed that the females will someday become another man's property), because man is always the bread winner of the home (especially when they noticed the high rate of employment. This process also birthed increase in population, and now so many persons had to compete within themselves to get admitted to institutions of their choice, the intelligent ones were handpicked while others were left,so many things changed in the sector as some even saw it as a means of monetizing people, now everyone wants to go to school because it's believed that "schooling is a gate pass for employment", people now focus more on " schooling instead of education " and saddening as this had continued till the present day.

With all of these, can one now say that "there are few educated elites in our society?"....... Well, I won't answer that, cos I know you already know the answer. 
Probably you're wondering now " whether to quit schooling "......please do not, rather approach the system with a new mentality, of leaving " as an educated elite and not a school leaver". Schooling will only leave you with just jobs and employment (that's even for those with connection or the likes; which some persons end up as unhappy employees), but being educated will keep you "fit for any form of competition"; even if they choose to drop people off their jobs, the educated ones will still have control over their subjects.
One good thing I can say about being educated is that, "it widens your horizon and helps you to be informed about the things happening around you". Mind you, education is not restricted to the settings of a class or lecture room because one can learn anywhere irrespective of the location. 

To the students and undergraduates, as much as you're in school, learning, preparing for tests and examinations and chasing that degree, try and get extra skills even as you seek for side-hustle, this will help you gain more experience and at advantage when you get to the market tomorrow......... there are lots of people who are more detailed in that which you know and are ready to work more; be sure to make yourself fit for the market!

For those contemplating as to whether to remain in their fields or course to pick up a career; well let me congratulate you first for taking a bold step of finishing, though your plans are up on deviating, more reason why you need to study what you love, or passionate about! Yes you might be wondering of I don't know the system/market is corrupt; I do, I know all of these, but do you know you can still make it an hassle while you still hustle! I promised myself that I must work in line with my course no matter what, and today it's playing out! Most of the things I know today about social problems and solutions are product of the information I got from my course.

Finally I will advice, as much as you are skillful in one craft or the other, try and get a degree, your position tomorrow might demand one from you, and it won't even sound nice if you're unable to meet up the requirements. Yes! Most successful people today didn't start their journey with a degree, but at along the way, they knew it was necessary and that was why they try as much as they could to get a degree afterwards.
Now tell me  "were you actually scammed to school?"
Let me know your thoughts in the comment box๐Ÿ˜š

You're loved❤❤


  1. What brilliant ideas?! Beautifully hewn out,I sure do enjoy today's cup of TEA....well written Julie

    1. Thanks for sipping ma'am, hope you will continue sipping๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š

    2. Wise choice, I must say๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  2. Okafor Martins03 April, 2020 08:34

    School is not scam... It all depends on the angle from whence we're viewing it. You might be scammed while in school but school itself is not a scam.

    1. Apt! You got the point!! High five๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜š

  3. "Now tell me,where you actually scammed to school?

    Em,my answer to this; a kind of. Nobody told me to be better equipped that the school environment is not actually what everyone evangelize. One who focused on reading and passing exams alone will ,especially in a country like ours,regret it a bit for not diversifying in learning some extra skills....
    Study as to be an engineer,no qualms;
    We studied,became a verbal self employed engineer because it takes huge amount of funds to set up a personal construction company...
    But if one learnt extra skill while studying what's written in books ,like fashion designing,modeling,acting, etc one can easily solidify his feet in the flowing waters of the unstable economy.

    1. I guess we are saying the same thing! The truth is, until we accept the fact that schooling and being educated isn't same, then we will always think the system was a scam......the fact things are gone wrong here doesn't mean the system is vague, rather ours is to channel our energy more towards emancipation of mental than the physical slavery


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