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Hi there!
It's been a minute!

I know you have been wondering as to "why" I stopped posting, well nothing bad happened just that I have been working tooth and nail to see how to promote my blog.

Aside posting, there are other rules of engagement to running a blog, which is one of the reasons I had to sit back and do some calculations and glad to say I am getting solutions already.

So I am pleased to say we are moving!
You might be wondering where?
Just watch and see, but be rest assured that I will always give you updates.

Here we are in another series, and it is my honour to be taking you through this journey. This series will show to you that which you might possibly not read in books because I will be so practical and open. 

I will try to use personal experiences in explaining so by the time you finish sipping, your opinion on certain things as regards life and how you will carry yourself would have changed.

I decided to start this series because of the most questions I have received from people on how to understand their calling, discovering their potentials and how to achieve it.

Sit back and enjoy this ride.


Just like there are quests, questions and lots of confusion in the hearts of some persons, I had it too three years ago.

I wanted to know and understand my "why" of existence, if not for anything atleast to start up something with my life. 

I have been frustrated, battered and backstabbed by a lot of persons and I was tired of life. At a point I had to ask God why he brought me to earth.

This were nights of weeping, soaking my pillows with liquids and at some point I thought about suicide. This was in 2016. I was in my 200L in school and I had just got off a relationship.

You know oftentimes when the worst things occupies us, it looks surreal as to giving us some thoughts that it will last forever. This is what still happens today. 

A lot of young persons who engage in some kind of relationships, businessses or job know quite well that, that is not what they need at that moment, but because they are deriving little satisfaction from it they feel "okay".

No wonder their lives becomes so demeaning and they appear hopeless when they loose such things because they have tied their hopes, life and fulfillment around it. Please if you are still into things like this, I advice you put an end to it.

Truth is, no one gives satisfaction like GOD (Irrespective of your religion). I need you to take that word seriously. This is not a form of motivation but a Reality I have walked through. Until you make God your absolute dependant and Source, you will never achieve anything in life.

Yes! The unbelievers might be succeeding and you are wondering who is blessing them. The truth remains that "everybody is using something". They might not tell you the full story, but trust me when I say that you also have to use something.

Stop leaving your life to chance, life is more spiritual than you think. Don not be a lukewarm thereby being cold today and hot tomorrow. Know your stand and who you are following.

When you can identify this, it will guide you as to making any decision in life at all. 
So the fact that I lost that relationship made me feel an end has finally come to my life...(Lord I am sorry I actually thought that way).
I felt that the only person who Loved m had left me and I might probably not live in love for the rest of my life. 

But guess what?
That was not true!
Now, I understand how valuable I am in God's hands and I can not take his love for granted.

So in case you are still wondering whether God loves you or not, I am here to remind you that he truly does and you should always remember this anytime things appears impossible and be positive that "He that has called you here is able to see to the performance of those things said of him". 
He does not make fake promises, whatever he says he does.

So be ready to hear my story of how I found purpose and just within two years, I have achieved what would ordinarily have taken me five to seven years. 

Today, I have three organizations to my credit by the glory of God and I am just 23. Sometimes I wonder why I did not start early, but I am yet grateful that I started when I did.

Not only that, I have coached, taught over 1000 persons in the past one year. It is not magic, it came by understanding Vision, divine direction and purpose.

What gives me joy is that as much as I am fulfilling purpose, I am as well adding value to people as well. This is the realm discovering YOU will take you to.

But first ask yourself; "Am I hungry enough to understand this secrets?"
If your answer is YES!
Stay with me as I take you through this journey and you will be most grateful to God for knowing these secrets.

Wait for Episode Two!
See you soon!

You can connect with me on Facebook, Book a free one hour session and follow me on

You are loved ♥️


  1. Lovely. Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you for sharing.
    I got value

  3. May this tea house never run out...

  4. OLUNLADE TOLUWALASE01 August, 2020 06:45

    Wow! Am getting Blessed already. As I move to Episode two. Thanks for this ma'am.

  5. This is insightful. Just the smell of the tea I knew its quality.
    Well sipped.

    1. I can feel the vapour gushing 😁😍. Thanks for sipping ♥️

  6. Wow! I don't know why I'm just discovering this blog now. Thank you so much, ma'am. Please, if you do not mind, I'd love to connect with you. If it's okay with you, you can reply to my comment and I'll do the needful. Thank you, ma'am, in anticipation.

    1. Glad you're here, and I know you will stay in touch forever 😁... I already replied the mail you sent, thanks for sipping ♥️

  7. Wow! I don't know why I'm just discovering this blog now. Thank you so much, ma'am. Please, if you do not mind, I'd love to connect with you. If it's okay with you, you can reply to my comment and I'll do the needful. Thank you, ma'am, in anticipation.

    1. Glad you're here, and I know you will stay in touch forever 😁... I already replied the mail you sent, thanks for sipping ♥️


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