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Emperor Sermon is a Personal Development Coach and Founder, The Greatman Initiative. He is passionate about Human developement and bettering the lives of young people.

With my little research on the subject matter, I discovered one cannot talk extensively on self discovery without much emphasis on spirituality. 

What does that mean? 

I simply means that "the unseen and intangible", which is opposite to physical or mundane.

Juliet Ike in the previous Episodes said;
"Life is more spiritual than you think". 
So to discover self, you need to think or see beyond the physical.
In case you are yet to read the previous Episodes on this series, please do so with just a click on these;

There is more to self discovery than one can imagine. One might wonder what it really meant and through dogmatic beliefs, some have attached several themes.

Does it mean that you have lost yourself some where in the world? 
Well, I will leave you to brood in it until I tell you mine.  

As a self development coach, my first phase of improvement was finding myself. 

Growing up as a teenager, I started asking myself "why am I on earth
What is my purpose for existence?". 

It became a concern to me because at some point I was tired and confused. 

Nevertheless, prior to this time, I was a victim of low self-worth. I had never believed any good could come out of me, though my Parent seem to have been a contributors to this...but thanks to God who did not allow me stray for too long.

There came this day, after moments of sobbing and bitterness. I got the courage to leave my comfort zone, I got up, dusted myself and said to myself; Guy I think it's time you face your fears. 

I knew if could not do something about my life situations, I would only be what People said I was. Then I did the unthinkable.  

You want to know what I did, follow through... I prayed and was able to ask God certain questions about my existence. He is my Creator, so He knows better than I can every imagine and He called me to fulfill a mandate on earth.

So in simple terms, I will say self discovery is simply knowing your Capabilities and an act of gaining Clarity in life; as to what God has called you for.

Clarity is simply the state of understanding without  ambiguity.
In discovering self, clarity is very important.
People with clarity make better decisions because they understand what they want to accomplish. 

You might be wonder; what happens after I prayed?
Well, good things happened. The Holy Spirit made me understand that the answer which I sought was in my mind. 

Most persons are fond of seeking solutions outside of the One placed on us by God. He has imbedded a chip inside of us that helps us figure out things ourselves through the help of the Holy Spirit. These are hings and are called Divine Ideas.

We live simultaneously on three plans. We are Spiritual Creatures, With an an intellect (Mind), yet lives in a physical body.


📌You should first, find out who you truly are. You should be able to differentiate it with what you want to be. Ambition and Vision is never the same, so it is important you understand that our personal ambition either on career or jobs may necessarily be our place of call.

📌Do a question and answer session with yourself. 
- Know your strength and your weakness.
- Find what you are good at
- Find what you are passionate about

📌Seek out of convenience a QUIET time for yourself and God. You should be able to exempt yourself from some activities and find time to THINK. Thinking is making use of the mind to source for ideas and solutions.

"The mindset is like a mathematical set that has so many tools, use those tools to create the future you desire".

📌Take responsibilities. Learn to start accepting who you are, you are your number one fan. Accept your wrongs and your mistakes, nobody is above mistake. We are humans, mistake is what we do that's why we live to correct them. 

Through mistakes we find ourselves growing, learning, and reaching our real selves.

📌You should be confident in yourself. Believe in yourself. If you don't have a solid sense of self-worth, you'll listen to what others have to say all the time.

Okoromba Esther is a Brand Visibility Expert. Her work is to help brand -owners  gain visibility online with her one-on-one coaching session. She as well owns a clothing brand by name Ebella Collection.

Our thoughts are very powerful instrument to either create wealth or poverty, happiness or grief.

You are where you are today as a result of your thoughts. A Boy went to college to acquire a degree and could afterwards learn a skill; these are not coincidental acts, they were Products of his thoughts. 
Success in life is as a result of thoughts. The way one think matters a lot. Thoughh It took me some years to comprehend this, but ever since I found this secret, a lot has changed.

I use to tell my clients who are always complaining of low productivity that until; they take their business serious and start treating it like one which matters, they might not see the change they so desired. You can't be thinking like an Employee and expect to turn out good when you are an  Employer.

Let me share an experience of mine;
Sometime ago I got an  invitation to give value at a symposium.
Hearing this, I became so nervous because it was actually going to be my first online teaching. Sooner or later, I made up my mind I going to reject it.

But why should I give up so easily; I thought to myself. I canst where am inner strength came from, and I literally saw myself speaking positively. I told me, YOU CAN DO IT. This was how my thought eventually became the energy I needed.

The most powerful force in the world is the power of thoughts whether be it right or wrong; so you should see why you should choose positivity.
For you to accomplish your purpose in life,  your thoughts must correspond with your vision and aspirations, otherwise it might be hold you back from getting to the hallmark or destination.


1. Consider Resetting your inner mind
2.  Change your language or what you say
3. Learn to choose your thoughts wisely.
4. Associate with people with same mindset.
5. Be ready to take actions.

I know you got value, leave a message in the comment. 
You are loved♥️


  1. Thanks for this MaamM ��‍♀️

  2. Knowing ur purpose is very important, it makes growth easier... Kudos to the writers.

  3. Our lives are shaped by our thoughts
    Thanks so much for this

  4. Thanks for sharing this ma'am. I just got the chance to read to the end.

  5. Thank you so much Ma'am💕
    I love and celebrate you

  6. Great Job. God bless you guys richly


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