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Love, what is love? 
A lot of times we say we love people until all the possible benefits we could get from them are removed. 

What if all that was taken away? Would you still love them? Would you love someone you don't even know? Is love a passive statement or a verb to be acted out?
There are approximately 52 million orphaned children in Africa and 17.5 million orphans right here in Nigeria. 

Every single day this number increases, and instead of us to love and help them we have grown to consider it as part of the Nation's statics. 
We forget that every child today is a potential leader tomorrow, and his tomorrow is a product of what happens in his today.

At times, it is important we sit back and ask ourselves, "If this was my child, brother or sister, would I want someone to care enough to give to them". 
If you would, then go out and do that for someone else's.  
As much as we want to wait until we attain a certain height in life before we start impacting lives, we forget that making impact starts from our today.   

So in our effort to give back to society, we'll be taking the initiative to renovate one of the dilapidated orphanage homes right here in Port Harcourt, known as Our Saviour Orphanage. 
It currently houses about 20 children and is in dire need for a renovation. Let's make it look less like a child care centre but more like a real home for them. To be able to generate the funds to carry out this project, we're holding a fundraiser themed WE ARE LOVE which will run from the 24th of August up until the 15th of September 2020.  

We believe we can't help everyone but everyone can choose to help someone. We make a living by what we can get, but leave a legacy for the next generation by what we choose to give back to society. So be a blessing to a child today. It takes a decision to change one of this children's destiny. What's your decision?




Make a transfer to:
Acct.No: 9911854153
Bank Name: Providus bank.
Acct Name: WE ARE LOVE 

Do you have further enquiries, kindly leave a message in the comment. 


  1. This is a beautiful and wonderful project. The youths in my church visited that orphanage some years ago and we had a wonderful time with the children but the place is really in need of renovation. I am so happy to be part of this project

    1. Oh that's beautiful, thanks for your willingness in joining us!

    2. Wow, thank you so much for your willingness to support the project. Please do well to message me on WhatsApp so we can talk more in details.
      09076343398- Blossom Eromosele

    3. Please support with anything valuable, God bless you guys♥️


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