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Edirin Edewor is a two-time Amazon Bestselling Author, a Mindset and Author’s Coach, and an Entrepreneur. She works with three types of entrepreneurs to help them publish their books and establish their brands. 

Through Edirin's Process Publishing System, Entrepreneurs are helped to write their books with ease in record time get published on Amazon and become bestsellers.

She also caters for AUTHORPRENEURS who want to sell their books profitably as well as create extra streams of income through their writings.

Edirin's 5-step process blueprint helps unknown and underpaid Entrepreneurs in the service industry become highly influential and highly paid Personal brands.

Below are 5 out of her so many Words of wisdom on growing a profitable Business;


You don't see a mountaineer about to climb Mount Everest just show up with a bikini or a pair of boxer shorts, about to use his/her hands to climb, do you? No. So why do you show up to your business with the wrong tools and wrong strategies? 

The problem I see with many business owners is that you want to take a charter flight and drop to the top of your business when you don't even know what the top is. 

Then there are those that show up to the climb with no vision, no plan and definitely the wrong tools, like the lady in the bikini or the guy in the boxer shorts at the beginning of this post. 

Some people want to start from the back. You want to start at Chapter 10 and be like that person in your industry who has been at it for longer than you have. You want to come in and expect to be them in a few short weeks. 

You want to be a Steve Harris or a Jimi Tewe or a Tricia Biz or an Edirin Edewor next month, when you don't even know where you're going or exactly how to get there. Ko Le Werk. 

No one ever got to the top of the mountain by falling there. Everyone starts from the bottom and climbs their way to the top, and when they get to the top, they realise it was just the foot of another flight of stairs. 

There's really no top, but there are levels. For every level, there are tools. You must learn the tools of your journey. 


Two years ago, my Coach and I were having our monthly coaching call and I was sharing with him my progress. I was close to hitting N1,000,000 a month in revenue from my business. 

I thought he'd be pleased with my result and tell me to keep up the good work. Instead, what he told me next made me have sleepless nights for the next couple of weeks. He told me to go create a Million Naira Product. 

Haaaa!! I was yet to do N1 Million a month and was still struggling with the ability to achieve that, and here he was asking me to create a Million Naira Product. 

At that time, the highest product price I had was my One on One Coaching that was at N50,000 a month. In fact, he had asked me to raise my fees to N70,000 but I refused because I thought I was fine at N50,000 a month.

The truth was that I was scared. I was scared that nobody would pay N70,000 a month to work with me. In my mind, it was impossible for me to charge a Million Naira for my services. 

I felt I didn't know enough. I felt I wasn't good enough. I felt I wasn't in business long enough. I felt I was too young. I felt I wasn't an American Coach. I felt Nigerians don't have that kind of money and even if they did, they wouldn't pay for knowledge or transformation with it. 

Yet, there I was paying N1.2 Million to a Coach! Was I not Nigerian? Was my Coach not Nigerian as well? Wasn't I paying for transformation and seeing results? Of course I was! 

I had set a ceiling in my mind and I couldn't grow past that ceiling. 

You see, if you put a shark in a small glass tank, it will grow to the size of that tank and never grow bigger than it. If you take that shark and put it in the ocean, it will grow for the rest of its life. 

Many of us are like sharks in small glass tanks. We have so much more inside us to give but we've built glass ceilings and glass tanks in our minds that we cannot grow beyond. 

When I finally listened to my Coach, I created a Million Naira Product. THE VERY NEXT MONTH, I landed my very first Million Naira Client! Just like that! And there have been multiple clients like this since then. What if I didn't create that product? 

That wasn't all. The confidence from being able to land a Million Naira Client gave me the psychological permission to raise my One on One Coaching Fees steadily since then, and it's now at $297/month (N150,000). I also started charging 6 figures for my corporate trainings and speaking engagements.

You see, once I shattered that glass ceiling and broke out of that mental glass tank, my life literally changed. I went from struggling to do One Million a Month, to doing it in 2 weeks, then one week, then 4 days, then 18 hours. The new goal is to do a Million in one Hour. 

What glass ceiling have you placed above yourself? How have you limited your ability to grow? What is that lie you've told yourself about the limits to what you can achieve in your business? 

Why do you think you can only teach Whatsapp Classes? Why do you think Facebook groups are for only them Edirin Edewor, John Obidi and Victor Ekpo Bassey, and why do you think your Facebook group cannot grow to 10,20,30,50 or 100 thousand members? 

Why do you think you cannot charge beyond N5000 ($10) for your products? Why do you think you cannot launch a $97 course or get someone to pay you $1,000 for a one on one session? Why do you think you're not ready to write that book or start that business or speak at that event? 

Yes, you need to prove your worth to yourself and become so damn good you cannot be ignored, but don't hide under the excuse of "I don't know enough" to limit yourself. 

There are people who know less than you who are doing better than you because there are no ceilings in their mind. 

If you're looking for permission to raise your prices and play a bigger game, this is it. This is me telling you to step up your game and stop being a lily-livered scaredy cat. Go all out and take what you deserve. 


If you're not used to Nigerian colloquialisms, you may be wondering what the above subject means. Let me explain. 

Many nations still have people who believe that there are human beings with supernatural powers, who possess the ability to make or mar their lives as they choose. These supernaturally endowed people are usually people who know you or are from your home town or village. 

Hence, when someone comes into some misfortune or the other, they usually blame their "village people". It's the equivalent of blaming the devil (or for some others, God), for your misfortunes. So you hear the phrase "His village people have finally caught up with him". This is a common practice of shifting blame from oneself to unseen forces. 

Now that you understand what Village People means, let's move on to the main issue. 

Too many people blame their village people or the circumstances of their birth and where they grew up, on every single thing that happens to them. You hear things like "Oh, if I was born into a rich family, I would be far ahead in life by now". Maybe. Maybe not. 

As I said in my last webinar, your current situation is a result of everything that has happened in your past, including your decisions. Your future is being determined today by the choices you make.

If you're still folding your hands and sitting down every single day like a couch potato, refusing to take responsibility for your life and not realising that no one is coming to save you but yourself, then you are your own village people. 

You keep blaming village people for your internet when it goes off during a live broadcast, when it is easier to get a second service provider. 

You keep blaming your audience for loving only your free stuff when you have not built enough trust by upgrading your competencies and displaying your ability to solve problems. 

You keep complaining that no one wants to mentor you when your social media feed is full of controversial posts, crass comments and an unfiltered mouth. 

You say you are constantly being attacked on social media because no one likes you, when you have failed to learn and practice emotional intelligence. 

You say no one wants to collaborate with you and give you opportunities when you have not shown yourself competent enough in your own field and you've not created opportunities and results for yourself first. No one wants to plant in an unproductive farm. 

You say no one wants to buy from you because you're not a big name, when in fact, people look at your content and only see duplicates of the content and products of the big names you want to be like. 

They do not see originality. In fact, they would rather go to the source of the information and products you're trying to rip off, than come to you. 

You say no one wants to allow you into their circle when you keep posting to your timeline, screenshots of conversations you have with people who haven't given you the permission to do so, blurred name or not, right or wrong. 

You feel sad about not being able to build the kind of success you desire but when it comes to stepping into the spotlight, you run away and hide or you self-sabotage because you don't want to have to take on responsibility. You don't want to have to step up to the stage because you are afraid of doing the work, showing up consistently, failure, criticism and public opinions. 

My friend, nobody is doing you. You are your own village people. 

Work on your mindset, accept responsibility for your life, both past, present and future, upgrade yourself and your competencies, learn and build emotional intelligence and finally have a vision for your life that trumps any excuse. 

If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get over any obstacle standing in your way. If you're not yet hungry enough, you will continue to blame your village people. Your choice. 


No, the heading isn’t a typo. Keep reading and you’ll understand. 

There is a global agenda and the power centers of the world are deploying their minions in different segments of society to ensure that agenda comes to pass. 

They will suck you in with you being none the wiser and you will join the nameless, faceless, endless mass of pawns to bring about their will, all in the name of being ‘woke’ and giving a piece of your mind on every popular conversation that arises. 

Hold your piece. 

You can have your opinion about the things that are happening around you, but you do not have to give your piece on them, on social media or anywhere else. Remember, the internet is forever. 

Tomorrow your stance on the matter may change when new information comes to light. Then the vultures of the internet will dig up your piece and you will be judged in the court of public opinions. 

You will be unable to escape the consequences of your piece, no matter what you say or do, or argue that you were younger and didn’t know better. 

Hold your piece. 

Do not give in to pressure from the masses to make you feel like you have to say something. If you are asked or called out publicly to say something, simply reply, “I do not know enough at this time to give an informed opinion on the issue” and end it there. 

As you grow in influence, some people will deliberately try to stir controversy your way by subbing you or your work or your industry. Pay them no mind. 

Kings do not squabble with peasants. Resist the urge to reply or defend yourself. There is a time and a place to give such people the middle finger diplomatically. 

Let it be when you have so much pull and so many powerful allies who can defend you. 

Till then, hold your piece. 

You may even find that your allies will do the talking for you when those peasants in the shape of vultures circle around you, trying to use you to raise their clout. 

Your only agenda now should be breaking free of the shackles that are holding you down from giving your vision full expression. 

The time will come when you will make a sentence and it will be more powerful than an op-Ed. 

Till then, breathe in, breathe out and hold your piece. 


Have you ever asked someone what the secret to their success is? Did you notice how hard it was for the person to answer the question? More so, have you noticed how the answers differ from person to person? 

Atomic Habits author James Clear said, " Asking someone what makes them successful is like asking which ingredient makes a recipe taste good. It is not any single ingredient. It is the combination of many ingredients and in the right proportions and in the right order- and the absence of anything that would ruin the mixture." 

When you hear a successful person say "Hard work" or "Discipline" or "Consistency" or "personal development" or "The grace of God", they're not lying or trying to be vague or hide their "secret sauce". 

It's honestly hard to start listing every single thing that contributed to their success. Success in life is the culmination of all their choices, habits, decisions and experiences from when they were born till that very moment. 

You cannot expect them to tell you their entire life's story because you're looking for one secret or the other. There is no secret to success. All you need to know to be successful is on the internet.

So, instead of asking what the secret to their success is because that's a question that will get you nowhere, or asking how they became successful- another unhelpful question, ask them what their daily habits are and what informs their decision before they make a major move. 

You learn a lot about a person from their daily habits. Their habits determine their character and their identity. Their decisions determine their values and beliefs and ultimately their purpose.

So what is the secret to my success? It is in the quality of my daily habits and the quality of my decisions. 

Do you want to be successful? Check your daily habits and the quality of your decisions. 

Do you have the habit of starting stuff but abandoning it half way? Do you have the habit of laziness and procrastination? 

When an opportunity presents itself for you to learn and level up in your mindset, skill set or tool set, do you make decisions based on the cost of the program or based on the benefit to your life and business? 

What do your daily habits look like? What is the quality of the decisions you make? Think on these.

P.S: For further reading, get the following books: 
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy 
Atomic Habits by James Clear 

“Through an action, a man becomes a HERO. 
In death, a hero becomes a LEGEND. 
In time, a legend becomes MYTH. 
By hearing of myths and legends, a man takes an ACTION; and history repeats itself.”- Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey’. 

You see, you cannot make history by doing nothing. 

You can read about the myths, legends and heroes and wish to be like them. 

You can look at someone alive today, doing amazing things, and be filled with inspiration. 

However, inspiration without action is just self-torture. 

Instead of looking at their end results, look at the actions that got them there. Look at the sacrifices they made to get to where they are. 

There is no secret tip or secret formula to success.

When I see people say, “successful people keep the secrets of their success and refuse to tell us how they did it”, I laugh because those people are just lazy. 

Success is so easy that only a few actually believe it. Success is so hard that only a few actually get it. That is the paradox of life.

When you hear faith, continuous growth, hard work, sleepless nights, sacrifice and failure as keys to success, best believe that’s the whole truth. Unfortunately these are the things YOU cannot do because it’s too much work. 

Then history repeats itself again. 

No matter how many books are written about success, the percentage of successful people will always be the same through time because some people will never do what it takes to be successful. 

My question for you today is this:

Are you willing to do what it takes to become a hero? 

Are you willing to work, sweat, cry and bleed for legend status? 

Are you willing to be uncomfortable, hungry, broke and lonely, to become myth? 

Are you willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for victory?

Don’t just comment “yes” or say “I’m ready”. If you’re not convinced you are, just scroll past. Come back here when you truly are.


You can as well connect with her on the following media platforms;

Facebook: Edirin Edewor
Instagram: Edirin Edewor



  1. Replies
    1. You can say that again!
      Thanks for sipping ♥️

  2. This article is packed with nuggets for success

  3. So much value in this piece ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฟ

    1. Glad you got value, thanks for sipping ♥️

  4. Got so much value
    Thanks for sharing

  5. I loved the tea, it's was calming to my nerves, would definitely come for more ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Glad you love it, keep sipping from here please ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ


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