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Just before you type; "Congratulations", read this short story of my various feats serving my Father land; 

I know by NOW you have gone through the post and probably liked, commented, shared or even followed my page.

Well, let me say; Welcome back!

You might probably have too many questions to ask on how I was able to achieve all of that amidst Covid and the too many drama that happened this year, well I will tell you.

First, I will say GOD DID IT!
This is a truth I wouldn't withhold from you, this is to tell you I am not about to take the Glory that belong to my Father.

You know when Vision+Divine direction mixes with Grace, the results are out of the world.

So in case you are serving or probably preparing to go for yours, always remember that "By strength shall no man prevail", be you Jackie Chan or whoever, if you must succeed in life you need God.

More importantly, you need to build a solid relationship with him because you only get information, advice from someone you communicate with or in a relationship with... without a solid, strong foundation you might be struggling in vain.

Second, you need to know what you what and go after it!

There is a difference between "what I want and what others have me in place of what I want". Truth is, life will never give you what you deserve but what it likes.
Do if at this stage of your life you don't know what you want, you might probably be making one of the most terrible decisions in your life.

So there is a need for you sir back, think through and find out the exact thing you want.

Third,  Get a Skill or Skills if possible.

I know there is no point stressing this, presently there are lots going on in the country, having a skill is just one of the ways to survive in her. 

If at this point your only plan for service is how to spend without any thought of investment they permit me to say you are most miserable.

People have left that era of working just to spend on luxuries; meanwhile I am not against you enjoying your money, I am only stressing on the fact that you should learn to prioritize. 

You should see this stage of your life as your investment stage, it is what you do now that defines your tomorrow and with the increase in demand of jobs, you already know where to fit in.

Fourth, Cultivate the act of saving. I know it's not going to be that easy squeezing out money from the little or stipend given to you for upkeep, but the truth remains; Sacrifice is the biggest currency you can afford. 

I realized the more money I had, the higher my expenses, it is no longer a debate whether or not your expenses will increase but all rests on your steadfastness in holding up.

A lot of persons have asked how I was able  to enroll for all the major courses I took, but as funny and irrational as it may seem, 75% came from my alawee, but the truth is my ability to have utilized my knowledge thereby making more money with it.

It's a give-and-take thing; I invested in myself and it paid me back. Though I'm still in that journey of personal development because it never ends. Nothing stood out more for me than Personal Development.

The fact remains that some Trainings weren't easy registering for them and oftentimes I have to think through like a million time before paying, but I'm glad it's paying off, I've paid my dues you should pay yours as well.

Learn to invest in yourself, don't spend all your alawee on luxuries hoping to cover up with the next one, the truth is it doesn't work like that.

Fifth, you can decide in carrying out a Personal Community Development Service (CDS). My next post will centre more on how you can successfully carry out one; expect it.

Aside the reward of doing one, you as well get to learn a lot and it is simply a way of leaving your footprints where ever you find yourself.

At first when I spoke to people about my interest in engaging in it, some persons thought I wanted to do it for personal gains but the reverse turned to be the case.

Today I do not only feel satisfied serving but also leaving my footprints in the heart of my host communities.

So many memories I have to share, let me know if I should make this in series so I share all. More importantly send the link to your friends so they can as well learn the many things you got here.


  1. Congratulations ma
    This indeed more than just a journey of 1year...... Anyways have just got more knowledge about the year(service year)....And more so I can't wait to know more about the CDS .....

    Congrats once again!!!!

    1. Thank you so much for sipping ♥️ and I'm glad you got value.

  2. Thank you Juliet for this value packed article. It means a lot to me, especially because I will be going for my National Youth Service in a few weeks.

    You're indeed a lady of great value and impact and I celebrate the great works you're doing. If you don't mind I'd love to have your advice on a few issues as regarding NYSC.

    Please, make your NYSC experience a series, I can't wait to read them!

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much Joy for your kind words and I wish you well on your service year. As regards my experience, I have post where I made exclusive detail about it, you can scroll up to read (tap on NYSC DIARY) or send me a mail

  3. I'm really humbled by your fears and the raze you use in attacking and crushing them.

    You inspire me.

    I love the way you write ❤️❤️


    1. I'm glad you got Value, and I'm grateful to God for being a vessel. Thanks fir sipping ๐Ÿ’œ

  4. Thought Shaking Write Up
    Thank You Ma

  5. This was a great read full of good tips for surviving the current pandemic and craziness we're all going through. I loved when you mentioned get a skill because we all have specialties. We all are good at certain things. But this is a great time to expand that, to try something new, to find a new specialty to add to our repertoire. This is a great year to grow and learn more about ourselves! --Ryan

    1. I am glad you got value, thanks for taking time to read♥️


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