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(Episode One)

Like we know, the Post-COVID era will be more intense than what we are experiencing now, this is not to scare you but for you to realize the urgency for you to start making plans and start maximizing this season. If after the end of the lockdown you're still broke, trust me when I say "na you LOCKUP!".

You need to understand that there is need for you to start thinking towards profitable ways of doubling your hustle and multiplying what you have now, thereby coming out STRONGER than you were. 
I still see lots of confusion on the face of some people and I can only but wonder. I'm sure you've been told how dreadful the after season will be, well I don't want you to feel the sane reading this! 
That's to tell you this post is no condemnation plan for you, I know by the time you're done reading it, you will have a different picture on how to face and conquer your challenges.
I won't be sharing my story this time, but that of an influencer, you might have heard of him before now, even if you haven't, I hope you get inspired by his lockdown story.


Golden Aka is an online business coach who is passionate about helping Online Entrepreneurs and Business owners with the ideas and solutions that they need to start, build and grow a successful online business.

He specialises in:
1) Customer Attraction and Conversion
2) Organic Traffic and
3) Social Media Strategies

He is the CEO of GoldenX Concept, Founder of SMWG Academy, and the Sales and Marketing Coach for Portfolio 9 Community, the fastest growing Facebook Community in Africa.

Golden has trained and empowered over 5000+ Online Entrepreneurs and Business Owners.

Golden has taught in various online seminars, workshops, and masterminds. 

His teaching style and ability to simplify complex terms is next to none.

He also holds an administrative status in CBIM Academy.


COVID-19 doesn't mean locked out of business or locked out of ideas.
In a time of economic crisis is when the entrepreneurial spirit comes alive!

How I've been able to sustain momentum and productivity this period has been from me actually understanding who exactly it is that I am serving.
No matter what's happening in the world right now, your business can still run if you can identify your ideal customers. And one of the factors you seek when identifying this is URGENCY

I asked myself:
What would be my customer's reason for wanting my solution right now?
It's was easy for me to find answers to this question when I thought about all that's happening in the world currently, and then asked the questions in new ways.
Remember, to sell in this season, you must have a specific target audience. Everyone is not your customer.
People who will find it hard to do business now are people who are yet to identify, or who are yet to have a very clear image of who their ideal target is.

So I asked myself...
"WHO" in this current situation will need my service right now, more than ever.
I didn't focus on the crisis. 
What crisis will do is to obscure your vision..
COVID-19 sure requires a slight change in the way I presented my solution.

I'm an online business coach:
Everybody now has time to work on their businesses like never before.
Because rather than continue in my normal way of service delivery, I tweaked it a bit.

My messaged changed from "Teaching them how to get customers"
"Business continuity in a time like this"

I started helping entrepreneurs and business owners see how not to run out of business.

In conclusion: Entrepreneurs have no excuse. Excuses are their tools to create solutions.

©️Golden Aka.

Did you get value, then drop a comment, he will see it
Stay glued because more is coming😚

You're loved💝


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